Author: Cunha Simões
Translator: Jose Patricio
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ISBN no. 972-8832-20-6
Copyright: Fernando José Corte-Real Cunha Simões
The child Jesus is the symbol of the life always renewed. It is the hope of happiness, of the wealth and prosperity that all parents desire when they feel small gods for they have created a new being totally conceived by them own.
The child Jesus is the symbol of the life always renewed. It is the hope of happiness, of the wealth and prosperity that all parents desire when they feel small gods for they have created a new being totally conceived by them own.
On the other hand, the child Jesus is our own children's image, to who we dedicate the whole love and the whole affection that we don't bestow to more anybody. He is the symbol as much of the force as of the fragility. Of the force, because he represents the pure and creative energy from where all came out and of what all make part, and fragility because, compared to the Universe we are very much smaller than bacteria.
When we returned to God we are only thought again. The infant Jesus is the materialized thought.
Good morning, child Jesus,
My dear friend and mate.
I have just wakened up
I'm leaving the pillow.
Come with me too
To have a bath and wash yourself.
Bless my mother
To better awake.
It is her who helps us
And she makes everything unstained
Then we drank the milk.
Please infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
Teach me to pray
A prayer for my father
To have everything, and to win well
To the house to sustain
And to feel always happy:
Without to get annoyed at any time,
Not to drink and not to smoke
And the mother not to upset.
Help him in his work
And manage so that he knows everything.
That he is the best or almost.
Help him infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
Protect my mother.
She works very much
From morning to night,
And sometimes I tease her
Unintentionally, as a joke.
I don't understand her the exhaustion
And I insist in the mistakes I do.
There are days in that I am unbearable,
However, I don't resist doing foolishness.
Gives me wisdom, infant Jesus,
Because I love my mother very much.
Dear child Jesus,
You are always so little
And you know so many things
That I love you very much.
In my head
You tell me stories
Of charm,
And I retell them without fear
Of being mistaken.
You are my imagination.
And I know things that I didn't be acquainted with.
How I like you my dear.
I hope you are always my friend.
My dear child Jesus,
Come and play with me.
Come to play the hide – and – seek,
To the picked her up, the little houses.
Come to play football.
Or whatever you want
However, we have to be careful
In order not to tear the suit
Or to do many scratches
Otherwise, you know how it is,
We have to hear the sermons
Of who pays these things.
Really, infant Jesus, child suffers…
My child Jesus,
Only you can help me.
I have to render a lot of attention
To what I am studying.
I want to learn everything
To understand what is said to me.
And, one day, when I will be grown up
To draw a important curriculum
In order to win a lot of money
And can spend it as I will want.
I know that you are my friend
And so I count on you
To be a good pupil.
My dear child Jesus,
Manage so that the teachers understand me
And never reprehend me without reason.
They have to understand the children.
To know that someone are shyer
And others, a little, fidgety.
But are they that should impose themselves
Naturally. With love and firmness,
For the small ones be sure
That one shouldn’t play in class.
Enter the teachers' head
And instruct them to teach
Love and what enclose the disciplines.
My dear child Jesus,
The friends are as siblings
With whom we play and we respect.
We should not raise turmoil, isn’t it?
I don't do it too.
I only discuss what I know,
And hear what I don't know.
I have a lot of friends
And you can play with us too.
Teach us to invent new games
To vary now and then.
It is boring to play always the same.
Join us, infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus.
In the break of the classes
And when I am in the recreation
Everything I forget, only to play.
That way I know
That there is a time to play
And other only to study.
I can’t mix the two, right?
Of course. To play is to play,
To study is to study.
That is the reason why I profit all the time
To run, to jump to the leapfrog and the marbles.
How it is good the school and the recreation ! …
My dear child Jesus,
In the devilish games
I don't see anything ahead
And sometimes are the head bumps
Others the falls without net:
The legs, the arms, the face,
Are a thousand times scrapped
But soon it goes by, when I disinfect
With water and some saliva.
Sometimes I have to go to the infirmary.
Others I go to my mother.
But she makes such a shouting
That I ask you for to calm her.
My dear child Jesus,
You are so little, but so strong
That I have to ask you protection
For so much foolishness, I commit.
The elders say that it is of the age,
But my parents don't agree.
They think I am impossible.
What saves me is that I do like to study
Or else I didn't get rid of being hit
Some good slaps to learn.
But what do you want?! We are youngsters.
Don't you agree that I am right?
Just in case give me your protection.
My dear child Jesus,
Help me to have always an impeccable appearance:
To wash the teeth, to take bath,
To use always clean clothes.
The last one seems impossible to me.
But if you will lend me a hand
Maybe I will pass from mediocre to passable
And I don’t hear so many rebukes.
Do you know how the mothers are?
Do they think we have their age?
Will be that they didn't play in
their time?
In order not getting more problems
Remind me how to act.
You are the sun, child Jesus.
With you you hold life and heat.
And in you is conveyed only sweetness and love.
You are the sun from the more beautiful flower yet,
That was the Virgin, your mother.
But the true sun that rises everyday in the horizon
It is the light that shines in your forehead
And cause that I love you and believe you.
Holy Sun of the Nature,
Symbol of love and fraternity
Manage that I grow in society
And experience how to help the human being.
My dear child Jesus,
How I like to feel the wind
To hit me the face smoothly
As caressing me and to clean
All the small insects that flutter
And that sometimes oblige me to sneeze.
My mother says to wrap myself up,
To be careful with the colds.
And I have. But I play to the wind.
I like hearing it to blow, to moan, to scream
As he was saying: I am the strongest.
But the strongest is you, infant Jesus,
And you don't matter of hearing it to "speaking”.
Blessed the rain that falls on the earth,
My dear child Jesus.
She fecundates the soil and gives to drink
To all the lively beings.
It is that which I learned at the school.
Is it true, or not?
Without water we couldn’t live.
Therefore we have to respect the rain
And to do that she doesn't fall polluted
With the smoke of the chimneys
And the exhaust pipes of the automobiles.
Protect the water, infant Jesus.
Do so that everybody knows that is to his own good.
My dear child Jesus,
Manage so that I don't catch any cold
For the mother not to scream
Because of the cod-liver oil.
I sometimes catch a cold for not being careful:
I don't remove the shoes when they are wet.
I forget and I remain in the draughts.
I don't change the clothes when I am sweated
And later I catch a unbearable cold.
Do you understand? These are things of kinds.
But you can’t go and say that to mama.
You have to remember me small things.
You’ll amuse yourself and I’ll not catch any cold.
My dear child Jesus.
You have to give me a small help.
They are painful for me the stings.
But the doctor insists. He must vaccinate
In order to prevent diseases.
What do you think I should do?
"That there is no help for it
And I must take the vaccines."
You too, infant Jesus.
I deemed you were on behalf of me.
But if you think it is better for me
I have to be strong and not to cry
When I will go to be vaccinated in the Health Centre.
My dear child Jesus,
You don't know my torment.
Now I am wanted to eat green vegetables:
Lettuces, cabbages, spinaches, you can never tell!
They say that it is to be healthy.
I am already being accustomed.
I eat even offsets, radishes, watercress.
And with the spinaches I’m happy.
I remind of Popeye, the brave,
And his friend Wimpy, the food-lover.
Popeye was more elegant and tough
And I want to be health a lifetime.
Manage so that I eat green vegetables, infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
I am under the impression that I am growing up
Because now they make me to eat
Whatever is good for my health.
Everyday I eat two apples.
They say that it is to turn more intelligent.
Then I always eat fruit of the season.
The truths is that I feel lighter,
But I cannot say this to my mother
Because later she would give me less from what I like.
Do you think I should give up my rights?
"Of course”. Is your answer.
O. K. I have to grow forcedly.
My dear child Jesus,
I like a lot of eating at School,
But at home I have sometimes yogurt
As it is said it is very good
For the balance of the body.
I am happy and even I like very much.
But I consider that the whole youth
Should eat what I do
For so all could live well;
Very healthy and happy.
You agree with me, naturally.
Then ask your father
So that the boys can have everything
My dear child Jesus,
Sometimes my mother's friends say:
Fat is beauty.
But the school doctor’s
Says that it is much better for the health
To maintain the weight balanced
As the heart and the legs thank.
That we should not exaggerate in the chocolates,
In the candies and in the greasy meats.
And that the very gluttonous people
Suffer from the stomach and of the teeth.
For everything I am told you must help
To avoid that I eat what I ought not.
My dear child Jesus,
Come with me to walk through the fields.
To play with the flowers and the little birds,
To breathe the pure air of the hollies
And of all trees of great appearance.
Come with me so that I can grow.
Come and see the creeks running
Among stones and gold sand.
Come and bring all kinds with you
To sing and learn together
The love that unites us all
And that the nature understands.
Comes infant Jesus, be my friend.
My dear child Jesus,
Come and have a swim with me,
But be careful and don't move away.
The sea is a very good friend.
It gives us profusely food,
But it doesn't like we dirty it
Throwing there the garbage.
The sea wants to be unpolluted
So that when we bathe ourselves
Don't get infections. Come. Don't hesitate.
Let’s go to build castles on the sand.
Come with me infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
Look how many stars are in the sky
And how the firmament is beautiful.
You that live in this charming kingdom
Cover us all with your mantle.
So that the children feel confident
As they were knights errant
And they could travel the whole Universe.
Just as you do it naturally.
You are the example that I should pursue,
Therefore I know that when studying I will get
To reach whatever I can imagine.
You are my star, infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
I like a lot of seeing television
And sometimes I waste too much time
There seating watching juvenile programs.
My teacher says
We should not exaggerate.
The television can teach us a lot of things,
But there must be some rules.
Do you believe she tells the truth?
If you do, I agree with you.
After all you are my best friend
And only you can give me good pieces of advice.
From now on I will watch less television.
My dear child Jesus,
Now I have a computer
Where I play, but I learn too.
There I write and I already make bills.
Sometimes I go even to the Internet
To seek subjects that interest me.
When you want you can also navigate.
The Internet has everything that you can figure out.
Of course you are informed of everything,
But it is always good to give a glance to
In order to know what is taking place in this world
And find out that there are still many boys
That are calling for your love and your help.
My dear child Jesus,
I pray for the rulers of my Country
In order to know what they are doing,
So that they never make a mistake
And don't deceive the people that chose them.
To unmask demagogues
That promise what they cannot give.
The teachers teach me everything
For I know, when I’ll turn big,
What is good for everyone.
So growing up and learning
What we shall do and what we shall not.
Am I going well, do I ? Infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
The mother says that I shall not speak with strangers
That they can trick me.
They are much more older
And they have another thought unlike mine.
My mother says that it is necessary caution.
Sometimes even carries me to school,
But I don’t like very much.
I already know to take care of me.
But I always do what she says.
She says for not speaking, I don't speak.
What do you think of all this, infant Jesus?
Just in case make me company.
My dear child Jesus
My parents say for not accepting anything
That strangers offer me:
Chocolates, bonbons, candies, cigarettes.
They deem I should be very careful
Because the gift can be polluted
With substances that can harm me.
I know that I should behave like this
Because in strangers one can’t trust.
Therefore, I want to grow up learning
Everything that is useful for the humanity.
Thus, I’ll be able to teach the others to love.
To be sweet like you, infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
Every day I receive more warnings.
The teachers say that, if I’ll be caught
For somebody that wants to take me by force
I should scream out and to kick about without fear
To call the attention of who passes by us
And to show that the individual is not my friend.
I should also scream out for the police
And never give in even if I’ll be hurt.
I have to resist and never to fall believing them.
Infant Jesus, the world is not easy.
But I always count on you
In order to keep me company and protect me.
My dear child Jesus,
Now I have learnt more things.
I already know that I should not accept lifts
In the automobiles, whoever they happen to belong.
Only with my parents and my grandparents
I ought to travel in safety.
Some adults don't respect the child
And we can be hit
By people with bad intentions.
The life is complicated, infant Jesus.
The child has to learn swiftly
As to defend to can grow
In safety, health and love.
My dear child Jesus,
Sometimes I crossed running the street,
What was a very big risk.
However, the teachers warned me of the danger.
Now I cross only in the zebra crossings
And even so, very carefully.
When there aren’t pedestrian crossings,
Still I have to pay more attention
That any vehicle came all of a sudden
And there was an imminent disaster.
But, sometimes, in the games
My friends don’t pass through in the zebra crossings.
Warn them, my dear infant Jesus.
My dear child Jesus,
Now that I have been learning how to live,
I know that I always have to know
My parents' name and where I reside
For one day, if something happens me,
And I am far away from house
I can tell the police officers, but only the police officers
Who I am and where I live.
Thus, they can get in touch quickly with
The parents that are very worried.
As you see, dear infant Jesus,
I continue growing up .thinking about you.
Even little, you know everything.
My dear child Jesus,
Every time I like the police officers more and more.
They speak with us, they are polite,
They are always ready to inform us.
They know always everything.
The police constables are our protector
And are they whom we should appeal
When somebody wants to harm us.
The teachers say at every moment
That, if somebody follows us continually
We should notify the police immediately
That they know what is happening
My beloved child Jesus,
When I travel by car
I use to go at the back bank.
And even one goes very well there
And with all safety,
As I always put the belt
Because of the brusque brakings.
Do you like to travel by car?
When you’ll want come with me.
Thus, we’ll talk in thought
And time passes more quickly.
We can recall what I learn at school
And thus, I’ll memorize everything much better
My dear child Jesus,
Every time I know much more things.
I am growing up and waking up for the world.
My intelligence frightens the teachers.
My parents are admired too
And I am very happy as they see
That the more I know, more intelligent I am.
I listen to what they tell me with attention
And I repeat what is to learn.
When I arrive home, it is enough to do the revision
Of what I have listened to and everything becomes very easy.
I am very happy for liking the world
And my friends and everyone
Sleep with me child Jesus,
Throw over me your dreams
And just as you did to the doctors of the temple
Teach me while I’m sleeping.
My thirst of knowing is immeasurable.
I want to learn to sleep awakened,
That the entire world can live well
With which I know and I be able to teach.
I will struggle for the little boys don’t cry,
For bread lack, of house or school.
And the elders have joy of living.
Manage that the men put an end to the wars
Listen to me with attention, infant Jesus.
● ● ● ● ● ●
E-mail:Telefone: 249 881 397
Fax: 249 891 128
Letter:Cunha Simões
Apartado ▬128
▬ 2384-909
Telefone: 249 881 397
Fax: 249 891 128
Cunha Simões
Apartado 128
2384-909 Alcanena●●●●●●
Whenever you’ll intend
to contact the author, do
it by e-mail, fax, or telephone.●●● ●●● ●●●
quarta-feira, 7 de maio de 2008
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